Small Business Rising Applauds White House Executive Order to Promote Competition

Contact: Virgil McDill,, 202.294.9187

Small Business Rising Applauds White House Executive Order to Promote Competition 

The coalition of 20+ business groups urges federal agencies to act swiftly to carry out the order and ensure independent businesses have the opportunity to compete.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 9, 2021) -- The following statement was issued today by Small Business Rising, a coalition of over twenty national and local associations representing over 150,000 small and independent businesses, in response to the White House’s executive order aimed at reducing corporate concentration and expanding opportunity for independent businesses, farmers, workers, and consumers.

“Today’s executive order is another sign that federal policymakers are serious about restoring competition and leveling the playing field for independent businesses, and we applaud the Biden Administration for taking this important step forward. 

“This executive order will help to reduce market concentration, stop monopoly abuses, expand opportunities for small businesses, and strengthen local economies.

“Importantly, the order directs the Department of Justice to strengthen antitrust enforcement and encourages the Federal Trade Commission to establish rules barring dominant internet platforms from exploiting independent businesses.

“The order also directs federal agencies to reduce concentration and promote competition through their procurement and spending decisions. It includes important provisions to address concentrated power in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, and it directs the Department of Agriculture to level the playing field for farmers and ranchers, and dedicate funds to support local and regional food systems.

“Concentrated market power has long been the single biggest threat facing America’s small and  independent businesses. Coming on the heels of landmark antitrust legislation that passed the House Judiciary Committee last month, it’s clear that policymakers at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue are finally intent on challenging corporate power. 

“After decades of lax federal enforcement of our nation’s antitrust laws, we are heartened to see federal officials standing up for the independent businesses that are a vital part of our economy and our local communities.”  

About Small Business Rising
Small Business Rising is a coalition of over twenty national and local associations representing over 150,000 small and independent businesses from all corners of the country, united around the goals of reining in monopoly power and urging policymakers to build an economy that is more prosperous, equitable, and innovative.