New York Small Businesses and Independent Business Groups Applaud New York for Reining in Monopoly Power

Washington, DC – Today, the New York State Assembly and Senate took important steps to level the playing field for small businesses by advancing the 21st Century Antitrust Act. The bill would usher in much needed reforms to the state’s existing antitrust laws and would place New York at the forefront of a movement to rein in corporate power and create a fair, open marketplace for independent businesses. 

10+ independent business organizations and small business advocates endorsed the bill, including: 

American Booksellers Association

American Independent Business Alliance

American Specialty Toy Retailing Association

Institute for Local Self-Reliance

Main Street Alliance

National Sporting Goods Association

New Atlantic Independent Booksellers Assn

North American Hardware and Paint Association 

Pharmacists Society of the State of New York 

Running Industry Association

Workplace Solutions Association (formerly Independent Office Products and Furniture Dealers Association)

Yorktown Small Business Association

The following statements from New York business owners, business associations and advocacy organizations express overwhelming support for the proposal:

Bill Stewart, owner of LI Toy & Game in Kings Park, New York. “The New York Senate and Assembly must quickly pass the 21st Century Antitrust Act, and Governor Hochul should immediately sign the legislation to give a much needed lifeline to New York’s small businesses. We’ve been advocating for years for this legislation. Because Amazon controls such a dominant segment of onlines sales, I’m forced to try to sell on their Marketplace, yet it’s nearly impossible for small business owners like myself to make a profit selling on their Marketplace. Between Amazon, Big Box stores, and rapidly expanding eCommerce giants like Temu, small business owners need antitrust legislation with real teeth, so that our government has better tools to stand up to monopoly bullies.” 

Steve Moore, Owner at Condo Pharmacy in Plattsburgh, New York and member of the Pharmacists Society of the State of New York (PSSNY). "Here at Condo Pharmacy I see every day how anticompetitive practices put into place by large vertically integrated corporations, like PBMs, compromise patient care for no reason other than greed. Restricted networks, exorbitantly high copayments, and many other obstacles are designed to make it harder for our patients to get the medications they need, when they need them, at a fair price. Independent community pharmacies – many of which are members of the Pharmacists Society of the State of New York – are the backbone of Main Street in New York. We are closing at a record rate due to the predatory practices and oligopoly state enjoyed by these same corporations. I commend Senator Michael Gianaris and Assemblywoman Crystal Peoples-Stokes for their leadership in introducing the NY 21st Century Antitrust Act, and I encourage all of their colleagues to pass and send it to the Governor before the 2024 session ends."

Bob Giordano, President/Founder of the Yorktown Small Business Association. "Our local small independent businesses are the backbone of our communities. They provide character and individuality while keeping jobs and money in the local community. The Big Box stores and dominant online retailers do none of those things. That's why the Yorktown Small Business Association is supporting the 21st Century Antitrust Act. We need this legislation to give small, independent businesses a fair shot at competing. We urge the Senate and Assembly to quickly pass this bill and send it to the Governor's desk."

Allison K Hill, Chief Executive Officer of the American Booksellers Association. "We believe the 21st Century Antitrust Act is a strong first step in renewing antitrust enforcement and leveling the playing field for the thousands of independent businesses in New York. For too long, monopolistic companies such as Amazon have wielded their market dominance and concentrated power to box out small businesses and harm consumers. The New York Senate and Assembly should pass this legislation to help restore free and fair competition in New York State." 

Richard Trent, Executive Director of the Main Street Alliance. “As a former New York resident, I know that a strong and vibrant small business sector is the lifeblood of the state's economic success. Coming out of a pandemic that dealt a blow to small business proliferation and accelerated corporate consolidation, it's more important than ever to provide New York's small businesses with simple and effective tools to combat the anti-competitive tactics of our country's largest corporations. The 21st Century Antitrust Act does just that, and Main Street Alliance is honored to endorse this legislation—which will go a long way towards leveling the playing field for New York's entrepreneurial class.”

Dan Tratensek, Chief Operating Officer of the North American Hardware and Paint Association. “As an organization that has represented the interests of hundreds of independently owned hardware businesses in New York for more than 120 years, we call on the New York Senate and Assembly to take concrete action in fighting a system that has traditionally been stacked against small business owners in favor of only the largest operators. The 21st Century Antitrust Act is important, must-pass legislation, particularly at a time when small businesses are facing so many challenges.”

Matt Carlson, President and CEO of the National Sporting Goods Association. “Since 1929, the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) has advocated for New York small business members and helped grow their businesses. NSGA applauds the New York 21st Century Antitrust Act to protect small businesses and the consumer from monopoly power and predatory business practices, and to create an equitable and diverse marketplace for everyone. We urge the Senate and Assembly to swiftly pass this critical fair markets legislation before the session ends, and send it to the Governor’s desk for signature.”

Mike Tucker, Executive Director of the Workplace Solutions Association for independent office product and furniture dealers. “Workplace Solutions Association and its members would like to say thank you and God’s speed to New York’s Senate and Assembly on passing the 21st Century Antitrust Act. Wins don’t come easily against giant corporate conglomerates with deep pockets and unethical tactics. Our New York members are grateful for your efforts!”

Ron Knox, Senior Researcher and Writer, Institute for Local Self-Reliance. “The re-introduction of the 21st Century Antitrust Act is a crucial step toward strengthening New Yorkers’ ability to stop abuses by powerful companies within the state. For too long, dominant corporations have been allowed to corner markets and rig industries at the expense of small businesses, working people and New York communities. The bill gives law enforcers the ability to stop dominant companies from using their power to force their suppliers to offer them discounts and concessions, raising the cost of doing business for their smaller rivals. We urge the Senate and the Assembly to quickly pass the bill, and for Governor Hochul to sign the bill into law.”

For additional info or media inquiries, please contact Lauren Gellatly at info[at]smallbusinessrising[dot]net