Small Business Rising is a coalition of independent business organizations representing more than 250,000 small businesses and standing up for a level playing field. We’re urging elected leaders to break the power of monopolies and safeguard our right to compete and serve the needs of our communities.

Independent businesses embody the dreams and livelihoods of millions of Americans. But today it’s harder than ever to grow a business. That’s because monopolistic corporations, backed by Wall Street, have seized control of many industries and are blocking small businesses from competing. Their outsized power threatens to corrupt not only our markets, but also our government.

It’s time for entrepreneurs from every corner of the country, every background and industry, to stand up for a level playing field. We’re building a united voice of businesses to speak directly to lawmakers. 

We’re calling for policymakers to:

  1. Stop monopolies from cornering the online market by breaking them up and regulating them.

  2. Block dominant corporations from engaging in abusive tactics by making our antitrust laws stronger and easier to enforce.

  3. Adopt clear or “bright-line” rules outlawing mega-mergers and setting a higher bar for allowing other mergers, including vertical acquisitions.

  4. Establish rules to create a level playing field, promote competition, and spur innovation.

We can win the fight for fair markets and thriving communities.

Our partners include:


"Small Business Rising... has blossomed into a large umbrella of local business groups... They’ve assembled a broad array of store owners to deliver the campaign’s message to lawmakers directly."
The American Prospect

“(Amazon’s) behavior has harmed communities, destroyed jobs and far from lowering prices, Amazon used its algorithm to increase prices on consumers. And it uses its power to bully suppliers and the expense of competition. We’ve long believed that the equitable and reasonable solution is to break Amazon up.”
David Grogan, Director, ABFE, Advocacy & Public Policy, American Booksellers Association

Read more testimonials here.